

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mimoco releases a whole new batch of adorable flash drives

Have you been looking for that special something to whip out at the big meeting to show everyone that you've got style, class, and money to burn? Well perhaps you should take a peek at the latest set of Mimobot Core Series 2 USB flash drives, which come fashioned in a wide variety of cute-as-all-get-out cartoon monsters, designed by illustrator Dino Alberto. While we can't say that we prefer these to the company's previous Star Wars-themed line, there is something intriguing about this new set, like the fact that these adorable little guys all have an elaborate back-story that's loaded onto the drives for your viewing pleasure -- although you may just want to scrap that to make more room for your "business documents." The drives come in 512MB, 1GB, 2GB or 4GB capacity, and range in price from $39.95 to $109.95.

First shots of the Cowon iAudio X7?

We'd heard that Cowon was planning to ship a 40- and 80GB iAudio X7 in September, but these supposed product shots that just surfaced at DAPreview are the first tangible evidence we've seen of the device. Based on what we know they look pretty legit, but our expertise on Photoshop fakery can only take us so far.

USB necktie with built-in fan keeps you cool

Ain't nothing classier than a clip-on tie...except one with a built-in USB-powered fan in the knot. We're not certain how this thing keep you cool, or why you wouldn't just use any of the million other USB-powered fans that don't increase your dork factor by 1000, but the people in the photos look so blissfully content we're actually a little curious.

Palm Foleo specification details begin to flow

As the rumored launch date of Palm's Foleo draws closer, it follows logic that the pieces would start to come together regarding the innards of this thing. Shortly after naming Wind River Systems as its preferred Linux provider, Palm is reportedly divulging details about the specifications to developers at the LinuxWorld conference. Under the hood will supposedly be goodies such as a 416MHz Intel / Marvell PXA27x processor, Marathon 2700G graphics accelerator with video output, 128MB of RAM "for holding currently running applications, and 256MB of non-volatile memory," a CompactFlash slot located behind the battery, an SD expansion slot (though some reports suggest SDHC works also), and WiFi support. Most intriguing, however, was the note that some developers at the expo were "given a unit already in its retail packaging" after attending a seminar about writing applications for the Foleo and "signing a non-disclosure agreement," which certainly leads us to believe that this gizmo will hit shelves sooner rather than later.