New Delhi-based GPS India has launched the Garmin iQue 3600 personal digital assistant with integrated global positioning system. The device, costing Rs. 55,000, is aimed at business travelers and tourists. The company claims it is the first PDA in the world to have integrated GPS technology.
The iQue 3600 is based on the Palm OS 5, and users can look up addresses or appointments and navigate to it using the mapping function. The progress of the traveler is presented digitally on the device's 320x480 pixel TFT color display. It has a 200 MHz processor, speaker for voice-guidance commands, MP3 player, message playback, built-in 32 MB memory, rechargeable internal Lithium-Ion battery that gives around two weeks of standby time and SD expansion slot for adding storage and software.
"iQue 3600 is a significant development in the growing range of mobile devices and adds tremendous value to the PDA due to its novel use of GPS technology" said an official of GPS India, who are stockists for Garmin products in India.
"The iQue 3600 is one of Garmin's flagship products, and the first to emerge in this planned future product range that reflects Garmin's expertise in location technologies with open mobile computing platforms, such as Palm OS and the demand for such devices is all set to grow exponentially."
US-based Garmin International, the maker of the device, is a member of the Garmin group of companies that designs, manufactures, and markets navigation and communications equipment for the aviation and consumer markets.
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